The Clan Sinclair Association of Canada began in the 1960’s with the informal gatherings of one Ontario-based Sinclair family; CSAC is now a national organization and part of Clan Sinclair worldwide. Visit our History page to learn more.
Since the year 2000 and the first International Gathering of Clan Sinclair in Scotland all superbly organized by our Chief, Malcolm Caithness, Clan Sinclair has become truly international. Our ties to our fellow Clansmen and Clanwomen in the UK, USA and Australia have become stronger and more profound. Deep friendships have been forged as we meet at Gatherings around the world.
The Association and its local organizations — the Nova Scotia Society, the Ontario section, and the Western Canada branch — hold gatherings and meetings at which fellowship and good cheer are the main ingredients. Events are announced in our newsletter, Roslin O Roslin, which is sent out to CSAC members quarterly.
Clan members share historical and genealogical information, often through the newsletter.
The Clan is represented at Highland Games during the summer, especially in Ontario. The local organizations hold their own regular meetings, and every four years there is a National Clan Gathering for the election of officers but mainly for meeting and greeting old friends.
Annual membership dues are $15.00 for individuals and $20.00 for families (in Canadian dollars). To join, and begin receiving Roslin O Roslin, please contact the CSAC secretary at